Automating Indicator Data Reporting from an EMR to Aggregate Data System Using OpenMRS and DHIS2


  • James M Kariuki US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Eric-Jan Manders US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Janise Richards US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Tom Oluoch US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Kenya
  • Julius M Mulonzi National AIDS & STI Control Programme (NASCOP)
  • Davies Kimanga National AIDS & STI Control Programme (NASCOP)



Background and Purpose: Electronic HIS are considered essential for managing health information. However, due to challenges of implementing interoperability across HIS, often electronic data are manually printed and re-entered into aggregate data systems. In 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) developed Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange for Health Domain (SDMX-HD) to facilitate health indicator exchange. To date, no documented implementation has demonstrated a practical application of SDMX-HD in automating indicator data reporting. This study demonstrates the use of OpenMRS, to generate and transmit indicator data to DHIS2 using key principles of SDMX-HD.

Methods: We deployed OpenMRS and DHIS2 in a test environment at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Informatics Laboratory. OpenMRS was configured to send aggregate indicator data using DHIS reporting module and DHIS2 was prepared to receive them. The two applications were then linked and data exchange process was initiated in OpenMRS using demo data.

Results: Fourteen data elements with disaggregation were generated and transmitted to DHIS2 successfully. A report with the 14 data elements was accurately generated from DHIS2.

Discussions: Results indicate that indicator data can be sent automatically from OpenMRS to DHIS2, eliminating manual data entry. The success of this test will help evaluate the impact of implementing an automated generation of reporting indicators to reduce human resources needed to fulfill reporting requirements; and to improve data quality, completeness and timeliness. These impacts demonstrate that HIS scale-up can have a positive role in improving health service delivery, M&E, and public health planning.

Keywords: Health information systems, Electronic medical records, Data exchange, Indicators, Resource-constrained settings, Aggregate data


Les données de téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponible.


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Automating Indicator Data Reporting from an EMR to Aggregate Data System Using OpenMRS and DHIS2. (2013). Journal of Health Informatics in Africa, 1(1).